How to Gain Weight Fast for Skinny People

How to Gain Weight Fast for Skinny People

Are you tired of being called “skinny”? Struggling to put on pounds no matter how much you eat? This guide is for you. How to gain weight fast for skinny people?Follow these tips to gain weight fast in a healthy way.

Understand your fast metabolism first. Some individuals are simply born with a faster metabolism. Their body burns through calories at a rapid pace. This genetic gift makes it extremely difficult to gain weight. However, you can still increase your calorie intake to overcome your high metabolism.

The single most important factor for weight gain is consuming more calories than your body burns daily. This creates a calorie surplus which allows your body to store extra energy as fat and muscle mass. Start by calculating your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) using an online calculator. Then, aim to eat 300-500 calories above your TDEE consistently.

Eat More Calories Than Your Body Burns
This is weight gain 101. You must consume more calories than your body uses each day to start packing on pounds. For most skinny guys and gals, this means eating 300-500 extra calories daily.

Use a calorie tracking app to monitor your intake. Gradually increase calories from foods like nuts, dried fruit, granola, protein shakes, and nut butters. Eat larger portions too.

Eat More Often
Slim people often have fast metabolisms that burn through calories quickly. Combat this by eating 5-6 small meals and snacks every 2-3 hours.

How to gain weight fast for skinny people?Keep healthy snacks nearby at all times. Trail mix, protein bars, and smoothies make great portable mini-meals. Eating frequently boosts your calorie intake without straining your appetite.

How to Gain Weight Fast for Skinny People

Drink Calories

How to gain weight fast for skinny people?Liquids go down easy and pack plenty of calories. Use them as a weight gain ally. Drink your calories by sipping smoothies, juice, and milk between meals.

Make weight gain shakes by blending protein powder, peanut butter, oats, banana, and milk. Some skinny guys drink a shake or two daily for an easy 500-1000 calorie boost.

Liquid calories can help boost your daily intake more easily. Make homemade weight gainer shakes by blending ingredients like milk, yogurt, nut butters, oats, bananas, honey and protein powder. Drinking a high-calorie shake between meals can easily add 500-1000 extra calories.

Choose Nutrient-Dense Foods

For quality weight gain, focus on nutrient-dense whole foods like:

  • • Eggs
    • Lean meats like chicken and turkey
    • Fatty fish like salmon
    • Beans and legumes
    • Avocados
    • Olive oil
    • Whole grains like brown rice and quinoa
    • Nuts and seeds
    • Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt

These foods provide the protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals needed to gain muscle and stay energized.

How to Gain Weight Fast for Skinny People

Eat Before Bed

Bodies burn fewer calories while sleeping. Take advantage by eating a bedtime snack to pack in extra nutrients.

Good options include Greek yogurt with granola, peanut butter on whole-grain bread, or a protein shake. This snack also prevents overnight muscle breakdown.

Gaining weight in a healthy, sustainable way takes significant time and diligence. You may only be able to gain 0.5-1 lb of quality mass per week at best. Don’t get discouraged – stick to your nutrition and training plan consistently. Take progress photos every 4-6 weeks to visually track your transformation. Adjust calorie intake up or down as needed based on results.

Here’s a sample hardgainer meal plan providing around 3,500 calories:

  • Meal 1: 4 eggs, 1 cup oatmeal, 1 banana, 2 tbsp peanut butter, 8 oz milk
  • Meal 2: 8 oz Greek yogurt, 1 cup granola, 1 apple
  • Snack: Peanut butter sandwich, 16 oz milk shake (milk, banana, peanut butter, whey)
  • Meal 3: 8 oz chicken breast, 1 cup brown rice, sauteed veggies, olive oil
  • Meal 4: 2 scoops whey protein, 8 oz milk, 1 cup cottage cheese, 1 oz almonds
  • Meal 5: 8 oz lean ground beef, sweet potato, green veggies, avocado

How to Gain Weight Fast for Skinny People

Use Bigger Plates and Bowls

It’s simple – larger plates cause people to serve themselves bigger portions. Use the biggest plates and bowls you own to visually encourage eating more at each meal.

Go for Seconds
Eat two servings of calorically dense foods. For example, have two chicken breasts instead of one. Your extra helping provides premium calories to gain weight rapidly.

Get Enough Sleep
Not sleeping enough boosts levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin and decreases leptin (fullness hormone). Getting 7-9 hours per night ensures optimal hunger regulation.

Sleep deprivation also increases muscle breakdown and fat storage. Establish a regular sleep routine to maximize your weight gain efforts.

Strength Train
Weight lifting builds muscle mass and boosts metabolism. Strive for 2-4 strength sessions per week targeting all major muscle groups. Focus on compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, and presses.

Increased muscle mass elevates your daily calorie expenditure. More muscle means you can eat even more while gaining weight steadily.

Add Creatine

Creatine pulls water into your muscle cells, increasing lean mass. As an added bonus, this popular supplement boosts workout performance so you build even more muscle over time.

Take 3-5 grams of creatine monohydrate daily, even on non-training days. Over several weeks and months, it facilitates quality weight and strength gains.

How to Gain Weight Fast for Skinny People

Be Patient and Consistent

Gaining weight is a gradual process that takes consistency. Don’t get discouraged if the scale doesn’t move right away. It takes a calorie surplus of 3,500 calories to gain one pound of bodyweight.

Stick to your plan of eating plenty of nutritious calories. Track your progress through body measurements, compliance with calorie goals, and performance in the gym. Make adjustments as needed based on your results.

Gaining weight boils down to determination and diligence. Put in the hard work and you’ll transform your skinny frame into a stronger, heavier physique over time. Just commit and be patient – results will come.

Stay dedicated to this hardgainer nutrition and workout plan. Consume plenty of high-calorie shakes and snacks if needed. Get sufficient sleep and reduce stress too. With serious commitment over months and years, you can absolutely transform your skinny frame into an impressively muscular build you feel confident displaying.

Some additional tips:

  • – Use bigger plates and bowls to visually encourage larger portions.
    – Add calorie-dense extras like cheese, dried fruit, nuts to meals.
    – Choose energy-dense bread like bagels over plain toast.
    – Use massively sized shakes with weight gainer powder for easy calories.
    – Cook with liberal amounts of olive oil, butter, etc for more calories.
    – Schedule eating reminders so you don’t forget to eat regularly.

Don’t resort to relying on unhealthy junk foods, fast food or dangerous weight gain supplements. Focus on nutrient-dense whole foods and lift weights intensely. This approach supports overall health while fueling quality mass gain.

Stay motivated by your “why” for wanting to gain weight. Whether it’s boosting confidence, improving performance or felt strength – keep that goal front of mind. Be patient and diligent. Accept that your specific journey may be uphill, but you can transform your body with persistence.




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